Real-time court reporting is now widely in use throughout the country as the benefits and convenience offered by this service are profuse. Some firms are taking advantage of digital court reporting. With real time technologies, court reporting has become hi-tech. There is no need to wait for stenotype machine printouts or voice recordings to be transcribed to text and distributed. The best part is that, the real-time transcripts are available on computer monitors in courtrooms and legal venues.
Unlike traditional machines, the court reporter uses new generation electronic machines to document the activities. These machines are connected to computer systems and work together with computer based transcription technology. When the reporter enters the shorthand key combinations, the software translates them and the text is displayed on the lawyer’s computer screens. This has drastically changed the way court reporting firms work.
Real-Time Court Reporting Advantages for Attorneys
Lawyers and legal participants can benefit largely from real-time court reporting. Apart from facilitating instant access to the transcript, it also allows the attorney to prepare questions, and check if a witness has answered all the questions. In situations where depositions continue for days, these real-time reporting options give lawyers the chance to prepare for the remainder of the deposition in advance.
When the lawyer has written documents with him or her, he or she can stay focused. With the computer screen in front of them, lawyers need not rely on memory. If there are any mistakes or errors, they can be corrected then and there. Other benefits are mentioned below:
- Note-taking during the legal proceedings can be reduced, as the information is electronically captured and stored.
- Communicating with local attorneys is made possible with the live transcript before him.
- Transcription can be used if accents of participant’s speech hinder audible understanding.
- While testimony is taking place, the lawyer can copy and send sections of the transcript to the research assistant.
- Researching database of transcripts, assembling the reports and summarizing the case is possible with real-time reporting.
Options available for real-time court reporting are:
- The legal proceedings can be accessed even without a computer, as the text version can be printed.
- The lawyers can view the testimony as it happens, thanks to the feature that allows viewing of the live transcript through the direct computer link to the computer of the court reporter.
Choose court reporting firms in Colorado that have been using advanced technologies like real-time court reporting.